Dark Shadows is an old-fashioned third person point-and-click story-driven adventure game, developed by Razbor Studios from Croatia. In gameplay video below you can see the part of the game I was working on.
It was truly an amazing experience to work on a big game like this, and and I’ve learned a lot about the industry. My job was to create prison level of the game, model it in Maya and place some basic textures, then guys from Razbor would work on its final look. The example below shows just that.

This point-and-click adventure game combines 2D and 3D elements to create a gigantic world of interactive objects to experiment with, filled with people to talk to, all wrapped up in an innovative non-linear stucture that allows deep exploration into all aspects of the mystery.
“The world of Legacy is a dark and cold one, and almost as frightening as the possibility that one day it might be our reality. It is a world where people are mere pawns in the never-ending chess- matches of the powerful few, a world where freedom and human rights are just words, relics from a time long gone.”
Zdravko Marijic – Razbor